8 jQuery Plugins For Notification
- Jonh
- Aug 20, 2012
- 0 Comment
1. Notify
Notify is a lightwieght notification plugin, and its easy to use. Its structure a little diffently then most plugins, its really more like a extension, to give you absolute control over the notifications. Works on mobile webkit too.
2. A jQuery UI Growl/Ubuntu-like Notification Widget
There are about a dozen other plugins out there that do this already, except most seem to come with an enormous footprint: 10-12k of code, X-number of images, and roughly 1000 options to support every plausible use case. For other minimalists like myself out there, here’s one built off the jQuery UI widget factory in approx. 110 lines of code and 100% CSS. In typical widget fashion, this implementation supports the most basic (and arguably most common) uses, but is flexible enough for more advanced cases.
3. The jQuery Notification Plugin
The goal of this plugin is to show passive notifications that can be easily dismissed with minimal distraction. Rather than using a dialog or a distracting overlay, the notification appears on screen for a specified duration, and then fades out. The user may also dismiss the notification simply by clicking on it. At the present time, this plugin does not support multiple notifications.
4. noty
noty is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create alert – success – error – warning – information – confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. Each notification is added to a queue. (Optional)
5. Gritter
The super awesome background is just to show you that all notifications are transparent!
6. Jquery Notification Plugin
Introducing a new jQuery notification plugin, it helps better and enrich message notification system for your web application. This plugin contains four types of notification systems such as Success, Error, Warning and Information with rich user interface. Very easy to implement just follow the steps.
7. jBar: A jQuery Notification Plugi
jBar is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to integrate notifications in your web site. The behavior is very similar to Twitter’s and Stackoverflow’s notification messages. The plugin is configurable in text color, position (top or bottom) and other properties.