20+ Business Card & Brochure Designs Tutorials
- Jonh
- Feb 24, 2012
- 0 Comment
1. Design Slick Print Ready Business Card Using Photoshop
In this tutorial you’re going to see how to design your own double sided business card in Photoshop and get it ready for print.
2. How To Create Old Grunge Style Print Ready Business Card
This tutorial will guide you and help you to create a cool old grunged business card in photoshop which is fully print ready with full bleed.
3. Create a Grunge Print-Ready Business Card
In this tutorial you’re going to be guided through the process of creating a grunge print-ready business card using Photoshop. You’re also going to find some information on how should a good business card look like.
4. Create a Grid Based Resume/CV Layout in InDesign
Use the power of grid based designs to create a structured and professional page layout in InDesign, which can then be populated with a range of information to produce a polished CV or Resume.
5. How to Design an Abstract Business Card in Photoshop
In this tutorial you will see how to design an abstract business card using a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. You will be using Photoshop as a base for our business card, all whilst using Illustrator to create some clean, abstract shapes to use in our abstract business cards.
6. Creating a Colorful Vibrant Business Card
Design a vibrant business card for designer. You have already been given a template with bleed lines.
7. How To Create Print Ready Standard Size Business Cards
In this tutorial you’re going to be creating a simple and easy, not hard to follow business card design. You’re also goig to find out what are bleeds and what to take in account designing a business card.
8. Designing for Print – Setting Up Crops and Bleed
Learn how to set up crops and bleeds for any kind of print works.
9. What Makes a Good Business Card?
This isn’t a tutorial, but if you’re creating a business card with intension to really use it, you should consider reading this article by David Airey.
10. Design a 6 Panel CD Package Tutorial
In this tutorial the artist will talk you through his workflow and decision-making process rather than focus too much on specific graphical techniques and he’ll also explain how to use printers’ templates to make sure your design comes up to their specs.
11. Publishing a Multiple Paged PDF Document Using Illustrator
One of Illustrator’s lesser-known functions is it’s ability to produce and publish multiple paged documents in PDF format. This tutorial will explain how it’s done, while discussing some grid layout theory to produce an Annual Report.
12. Getting Illustrator files Print Ready
Quick check list to do before getting file ready for printing.
13. How to Create a Coupon in InDesign
In this tutorial, we’ll explain how to create a coupon, double-sided in InDesign. This is a beginner level tutorial and by no means meant for print. It gives you a small intro into tabs, style sheets and glyphs.
14. Create an Adobe Illustrator Template for a Tri-Fold Brochure
This tutorial will help you understand how to set crops and bleed for tri-fold brochure. You can also download template.
15. Design a Ready to Print Brochure in Photoshop
In this tutorial you’re going to learn how to create a ready to print three-fold brochure from scratch using only Photoshop. This tutorial is ideal for beginners and for people who want to know more about print design.
16. Making a Print-Ready Business Card Using Only Photoshop
In this tutorial, we are going to design up a simple business card in Photoshop and get it ready for print with crop marks and bleed.
17. How to Design a Print-Ready Flier with Photoshop and Illustrator
In this tutorial we are going to create 3D text and integrate it in a natural environment. We will not use any 3D programs, so all you need is Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create this effect.
18. Create a Fun Print-Ready Doodled Business Card Design
In this tutorial you’re going to create unique doodle and sketch business card design. You’ll be drawing our doodles directly in Illustrator, and using the application’s print abilities to set up your business card document with the correct margins and bleed to build a complete print-ready PDF document.
19. Business Card Design Project Walkthrough
You’re going to look look back at Chris process for creating the final concept of James Clarksons business card, resulting in the finished printed product.
20. Design a Print-Ready Beer Label in Adobe Illustrator
This tutorial takes you from setup to production of a really cool beer label, although this could be useful for any bottled concoction of your choosing.
21. How to Make a Great Print Ready Business Card in Photoshop
In this tutorial you will learn how to get your business card print ready with crop marks and bleed.
22. Creative Brochure Design Tutorial in Adobe Photoshop
Learn how to create simple 2 page brochure for technology and design company.
23. Create a Business Card in Illustrator and Print it with UPrinting
In this tutorial we’ll take the Rockable Press brand tutorials and apply it to create and print business cards with UPrinting.
24. Design a Print Ready Business Card for Designers
Follow this walkthrough in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign to create your own double sided business card design, resulting in a print-ready file to send to your favoured print firm.