In this article we’ve list 12 of xml sitemap plugins for wordpress. Xml sitemap can help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your blog.
1. Google XML Sitemaps
This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your blog. With such a sitemap, it’s much easier for the crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and retrieve it more efficiently. The plugin supports all kinds of WordPress generated pages as well as custom URLs. Additionally it notifies all major search engines every time you create a post about the new content.
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2. XML Sitemaps
The XML Sitemaps plugin for WordPress will automatically generate XML Sitemaps for your site and notify search engines when they’re updated. Contrary to other plugins that generate sitemap files, this one will add a rewrite rule and store your cached sitemaps in the wp-content/sitemaps folder. Likewise, there are no options screen because there are set automatically. The XML Sitemaps plugin automatically assigns the rate of updates and the weight based on statistics collected on your site.
Pings occur automatically, on an hourly basis, if the sitemap file is updated.
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3. Google XML Sitemaps v3 for qTranslate
This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your blog. With such a sitemap, it’s much easier for the crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and retrieve it more efficiently. The plugin supports all kinds of WordPress generated pages as well as custom URLs. Additionally it notifies all major search engines every time you create a post about the new content.
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4. Google Sitemaps – Append UTW Tags
This WordPress plugin automatically appends all your blog tags generated by the Ultimate Tag Warrior (UTW) WordPress Plugin onto the end of the Google XML Sitemap (sitemap.xml) file as generated by the Google XML Sitemaps for WordPress Plugin.
For example, say you have 60 UTW tags in your blog, and you execute the Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress plugin to re-create your latest sitemap, then this plugin will automatically append all 60 tag URLs onto the end of the newly generated sitemap.xml file.
This means that the Google / Yahoo / MSN (Windows Live) search engines will be made aware of all your internal tags and should then scan and index your tagged directories for your specialised (tag-sorted) content. This should help your blog to achieve higher search engine rankings for your tagged pages.
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5. wp-media-sitemap
WP-Media-SiteMap generate a sitemap of all your media content : images, video, flash animation. It create a site map for each kind of file and a index sitemap to group them in one URL that the crawler are going to index. You also have in page in the option to see details about the files which are generated and some basic errors detections
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6. Standard XML Sitemaps
The plugin work like XML feed. It’s no file generated. It’s automatic generate when need. It’s also add sitemap url into current robots.txt that allow search engine crawling. No option required just install and live.
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7. SW Video SiteMap
This plugin generates a video sitemap of posts in a given category. Use the settings to identify which categories, what custom fields contain your videos and what filename you would like to use.
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8. WordPress SEO by Yoast
XML Sitemaps
WordPress SEO has the most advanced XML Sitemaps functionality in any WordPress plugin. Once you check the box, it automatically creates XML sitemaps and notifies Google & Bing of the sitemaps existence. These XML sitemaps include the images in your posts & pages too, so that your images may be found better in the search engines too.
These XML Sitemaps will even work on large sites, because of how they’re created, using one index sitemap that links to sub-sitemaps for each 1,000 posts. They will also work with custom post types and custom taxonomies automatically, while giving you the option to remove those from the XML sitemap should you wish to.
Because of using XSL stylesheets for these XML Sitemaps, the XML sitemaps are easily readable for the human eye too, so you can spot things that shouldn’t be in there.
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9. XML & Google News Sitemap Feeds
This plugin dynamically creates feeds that comply with the XML Sitemap and the Google News Sitemap protocol. It is Multi-Site and Multi-Lingual compatible and there are no options to be set nor file or dir access rights to be tampered with.
Site owners will not be bothered with complicated settings unlike with other XML Sitemap plugins. XML Sitemap values like ChangeFreq and URL Priority are auto-calculated based on post update age and comment activity.
The feeds become instantly available: One XML Sitemap on yourblogurl.tld/sitemap.xml (or yourblogurl.tld/?feed=sitemap), ready for indexing by search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, and others. And one Google News Sitemap on yourblogurl.tld/sitemap-news.xml (or yourblogurl.tld/?feed=sitemap-news), ready for indexing by Google News. Both are automatically referenced in the dynamically created robots.txt on yourblogurl.tld/robots.txt to tell search engines where to find your XML Sitemaps.
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10. Image XML-Sitemap Generator
Simple Plugin to generate a image sitemap for your WordPress-blog with all the image URLs that are used in your Blog.
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11. Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps (with sitemapindex, multi-site and Google News sitemap support)
With BWP GXS you will no longer have to worry about the 50,000 URL limit or the time it takes for a sitemap to be generated. This plugin is fast, consumes much less resource and can be extended via your very own modules (yes, no hooks needed!).
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12. Google XML Sitemaps with Multisite support
This plugin is modified Google XML Sitemaps. Now it has only basic multisite functions. It can create sitemap for each your site and link it in robots.txt file.
This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your blog. With such a sitemap, it’s much easier for the crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and retrieve it more efficiently. The plugin supports all kinds of WordPress generated pages as well as custom URLs. Additionally it notifies all major search engines every time you create a post about the new content.
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