List below is free drupal themes for ecommerce.
1. AT Commerce
AT Commerce is fresh, professionally designed theme for eCommerce sites with baked in support for the Commerce module and Ubercart. Mobile eCommerce is supported using responsive design methods, so your online store will display and work across mobile channels without any extra work or effort. There are many settings that allow you to modify the design, color and layout – this gets you up and running quickly while allowing you to re-brand the design to your requirements without any coding.
2. Metropolis
Metropolis is a Drupal theme that gave priority to sense and simplicity. Its suitable for all kinds of websites; from personal site, e-commerce site, to corporate site.
3. Smokers
Smokers is an advanced theme developed by Dr. Radut for Smokers Association to be ideal for a wide range of sites, been optimized for e-commerce with Ubercart. It contains the same kinds of features you’ll find in our other professional Drupal themes.
4. Acquia Prosper
This theme is a subtheme of the Fusion Core base theme. Positioning and block styles are controlled through Drupal’s UI via the Skinr module, which is required if you want to actually use styles. These styles and theme settings give Acquia Prosper an unparalleled amount of flexibility and features. Learn more about Fusion.
5. Frame Ecommerce
It features a very clean, contemporary look. As all of our themes, this theme is optimized for usability. White background allows for a very cost effective product photography that is fairly easy to obtain even in home enviroment using a light cube and a DSLR.
6. Traffic eCommerce, A Free Premium Drupal 6 Theme
Traffic offers a very catchy design and an extremely user-friendly interface. This theme uses PNG images, meaning that you can replace the background to any color or image and still get a similar see-through effect.
7. Modern eCommerce – Free Drupal 6 Ubercart Theme
Modern features an extremely flexible and clean layout making it perfect for virtually any online store.
8. Life eCommerce – A Free, Clean Drupal 6 Ubercart Theme
Life eCommerce was designed with simplicity in mind. White color makes it very cost-effective to showcase your products by simply shooting them on white background. It features an extremely flexible and clean layout, making it perfect for virtually any online store. Product images courtesy of Design Within Reach and Hive Modern.