Today we share some best jquery news ticker plugins and tutorials.
Free jQuery Plugins:
1. jQuery News Ticker
Taking inspiration from the BBC News website ticker, jQuery News Ticker brings a lightweight and easy to use news ticker to jQuery.
2. jquery vticker (vertical news ticker)
This plugin will calculate height automaticaly, so no styling needed (added an option to set height manually). Just grab it and use it. Don’t add margin/padding on ul and li tags, try to style elements inside li or around div tag.
3. Vertical Scrolling News Ticker With jQuery jCarouse
News Ticker is a fantastic way to present headlines or minor updates to your readers. The smooth scrolling effect will attract your readers and generate more clicks to your site.
4. Jquery Easy ticker
Jquery easy ticker is a news ticker like plugin, which scrolls the list infinitely. It is highly customizable with lot of features and it is cross browser supported.
5. News Ticker in 4 lines of jQuery
There are a lot of different jQuery News Ticker plugins with lot of options that you can use.
6. How to Create a Simple News Ticker
In this tutorial we’ll be looking at how we can transform some semantic and accessible underlying HTML into an attractive and functional news ticker that smoothly scrolls its contents. Some news tickers are horizontal and some are vertical; the one that we’re going to create today will be vertical.
Premium jQuery Plugins:
7. jNewsticker – jQuery News Ticker
jNewsticker is a powerful jQuery plugin designed to seamlessly integrate into your website. Pre-packed with three news ticker styles and three skins, you can easily create your own skins.
8. Modern News Ticker
Modern News Ticker is a modern, powerful, flexible, fast, easy to use and customize news ticker. It offers a varied number of features while still being lightweight and very easy to work with.
9. Fancy News – jQuery plugin
Fancy News is a jQuery plugin that lets you create an outstanding news slider. It´s highly customizable and very easy to use. You can add umlimited of news with thumbnails. If the post is longer than the height of the main area, a cool scrollbar will be added automatically. You can also load your own RSS feed.