14 Useful PHP Scripts For Database Abstractions
- lyva
- Jan 15, 2014
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In this article we list some useful php scripts for working with database abstractions.
CreativeTable it’s a php class that builds a table based on the data retrieved by an SQL query or an 2D Array. It has lots of options and it’s very, very configurable.
Database Code Generator
CRUD Gen is a server side application. It automatically creates a CRUD [Create,Read,Update,Delete] grid table for any database table you specify.
MySQL database Auto Framework
This is a professional grade MySQL database framework that we have develop and improved for years.
Ajax Data Grid With Multiple Color
Database Grid
This small script simply shows your data in paged, table view.
MySQL Database Navigation and Pagination
If you are working with hosting MySQL databases, and pick up data from them frequently, this script may make your life easy working with them.
Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer
Advanced Mysql Exporter/Importer is a simple web application allow users to export or import any tables from or to CSV, Excel, PDF files.
UltimateSpeed PHP Code Generator Pro
It is a PHP base code generator which generate classes for each table in your database and forms.
PHP Setup Wizard
With PHP Setup Wizard you can improve your own project with a powerful setup system. With just few lines of code and some configuration changes, you can have an installer for your system deployment in few minutes.