AD Gallery
The module is written with flexibility in mind, meaning that you’re able to control the look and feel of your gallery and set up your preferred imagecache presets to use for the thumbnails and the main image. However, this means that you’ll probably need to modify the attached CSS files here and there.
Node Gallery
The Node Gallery module allows you to create multimedia galleries where both the galleries and the gallery items are nodes.
Vimeo Gallery
A simple module which helps you to configure your vimeo account and get videos and display them as gallery in your instance. When you click on the video, a nice popup opens and plays the video in it.
Node Gallery Hierarchy
This module adds the feature of hierarchical nesting to galleries created with Node Gallery from module version 3.0 upwards.
Gallery Assist
The Gallery Assist (GA) provides a gallery functionality that can be assigned to existing node types (content types, article types).
Node Gallery Taxonomy
Node Gallery Taxonomy is a module designed to work with Node Gallery by providing one very specific feature: the cascading of taxonomy from a gallery node down to the image nodes upon modification.
Gallery Assist Flickr
Allow Gallery Assist to load and show flickr images.
Node Gallery jCarousel
Node Gallery jCarousel is a module that combines two other powerful modules (Node Gallery and jCarousel) to provide an out-of-the-box solution for paging through a gallery of nodes.
Node Gallery Slideshow
Node Gallery Slideshow extends the Node Gallery module 3.x branch with a simple jquery based slideshow. It uses the API of node gallery to retrieve images and their related information and is intended to be an easy-to-install and integrated solution specifically for node gallery. You don’t need to create or adapt Views, or download additional jquery libraries. Everything required is contained in the project, and the code is small and concise. After enabling the module, Gallery nodes will show an additional tab for slideshows, Image nodes will contain a link in the Node Gallery navigator to start a slideshow starting at this node. Because this module is integrated with Node Gallery, it does not require that all images are already attached to the DOM, like most other slideshow modules. It retrieves the image information per JSON requests and creates and attaches the HTML elements on demand, keeping memory requirements small for the client. If desired, the module can preload a specified number of images.
Media Gallery
Uses the Media module to provide a rich media gallery. It currently supports images and youtube videos well. Other file types may or may not work as well, but the facility is there to add them.
Plus Gallery
Gallery grabs all your albums and images from an online source or feed and display them on your site or within individual blog posts. It allows you to browse albums and galleries, or display just one Gallery at a time. Take a photo with your iphone, post to Facebook, Instagram, Flickr or Google Plus and it is automatically added to your site as well. Gallery is also built with Responsive Web Design in mind so almost wherever you put it, it scales automatically and plays nice. It shines and 960px and at 320px and hopefully everywhere in between. Not following me? Please Read here. +Gallery is designed for todays touch devices. Using your iPad, iPhone or Android devices the zoom level allows you to swipe through all the gallery images in addition to using the standard UI elements.