Useful html 5 cheat sheet

HTML5 Cheatsheet: Tags

This basically is an infographic. You can learn all the new codes of HTML5 in quite an intuitive manner.

Cheetsheet infographic

HTML and CSS3 Compatibility Chart

As you would already know that all the codes of HTML5 and CSS3 aren’t supported by all the browsers. This sheet shows which browser supports which code.

HTML 5 support features in web browsers

HTML5 Pocketbook

If you want a printable HTML5 reference sheet, this is the thing for you.

learning html

HTML5/CSS3 Cheatsheet

HTML5 and CSS3 are a couple and we can’t be friends with just one. This cheetsheet contains real examples of implementation. Nice resource.

ebook download learning

HTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF)

A cheatsheet by SmashingMagazine. Even though it was made almost two years ago, it’s still fresh.

pdf download


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what is html 5

Easily Confused HTML 5 Elements

It’s basically a flowchart. Quick, simple, informative.

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HTML5 Security Cheatsheet

The slogan says it all: “What your browser does when you look away…”

reference book

HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet

The code <canvas> is the most revolutionary code in HTML5. It is being considered as Flash Assassin. This cheatsheet tells all about it.

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HTML5 Visual CheatSheet

This is a rare one. The official site is not hosting it anymore, I found it on Flickr. We go through a lot to find the best stuff.

html 5