5 jQuery Drag And Drop Plugins For Mobile

Today we would like to share 5 great jquery drag and drop for mobile.

1. jquery-ui-touch-punch

Touch Punch works by using simulated events to map touch events to their mouse event analogs. Simply include the script on your page and your touch events will be turned into their corresponding mouse events to which jQuery UI will respond as expected.

2. hammer.js

Hammer.js is a javascript library that can be used to control gestures on touch devices. It supports the following gestures:

  • Tap
  • Double tap
  • Hold
  • Drag
  • Swipe
  • Transform (pinch)

3. Mobile Drag And Drop

The jQuery Mobile Drag And Drop project is a plugin provides drag-and-drop functionality that works on desktop browsers as well as touch-screen mobile devices.

4. jquery-ui-for-ipad-and-iphone

Provides an interface layer to map touch events to jQuery UI interface elements.

5. jQuery Mobile sortable by drag & drop

I needed a sortable list by drag & drop in jQuery Mobile running on my smartphone. I did not want to reinvent the wheel, so I pick the code for public libraries to achieve a result that runs on Android 4 on my Nexus S with the Android browser. Your feedback on other smartphones, on other browsers am interested. A small return on my twitter account (@ forresst17) will be appreciated. I would point your feedback on this post.