10 Useful Xml Flash Business/Coporate Templates

  • lyva
  • Jan 14, 2013
  • Comments Off


1. HotBusiness XML Template


This XML Template has been specifically designed to be easily customized with all pages driven by XML which means you can update the pages without opening the FLA . If you don’t have any additional knowledge of AS3 , read the features to see what you can do by default. Main Features: Acton Script 3 Flash CS4 286kb resolution 980*800 and resizable 100% xml driven fullscreen support image gallery(gallery pages) social links support mp3 player with playliste(for background music) unlimited songs for mp3 player slideshow image background(jpg, png, swf) xml editable menu button in menu to show page all text support html format load logo(jpg, png, swf) contact form with php calendar, text and contact form blocks for page multiple bloks on a page support more info for each page position bloks for each page in xml file different effects for gallery page

2. Phlex XML Business Website Template


The Phlex Template is mainly focused on creating business and corporate sites with flexible multilevel structure, carefully arranged text, graphics and multimedia, plus attractive look and convenient navigation. It has a clean design and high functionality that can be easily customized through the XML files.

3. Estetica XML Business Website Template


The Estetica Template is mainly focused on creating business/portfolio sites with flexible multilevel structure, carefully arranged text, graphics and multimedia, plus attractive look and convenient navigation. It has a clean design and high functionality that can be easily customized through the XML files.

4. Client Area Pro


Client Area Pro is a fully functional web application allowing your business to get client feedback in one, convenient place. You can host it anywhere on your website’s server.

5. Dark Pearl XML Web Template


6. Business XML Template


With an elegant and convenient layout and design, this fully XML -driven, modular build website template. Modules can be reused throughout the template. Its possible to rearrange the menu, add or remove items as you see fit and specify the module linked to that item. This means: Great control, unlimited combinations, awesome reusability. You can customize the style like colors, font sizes, etc. for every section of the template. Everything can be changed by simply editing XML config files with a text editor so there is no need for you to have flash installed.

7.  Black-Red XML Template


8. XML Flash Portfolio Deeplinking Template


9. Business XML Template


The site was designed for business company. You can put the basic data on the company, firm offer, prices list, links to recommended sites, links to social sites, contact form and google map

10. City – Full Template with All Items Included


Every asset except for the SWF examples “Urban Dancer” and the Minsk Intro SWF example you see in the preview is included in the download, even the Chop banner, the optional City Parallax Landing Page and the pics!